The Next Innovation in Backyard Mosquito Management


MosquitoCon™ + Natular® DT LogosMosquitoCon™ + Natular® DT LogosMosquitoCon™ + Natular® DT Logos
Veseris Integrated Mosquito Management Program IllustrationVeseris Integrated Mosquito Management Program IllustrationVeseris Integrated Mosquito Management Program Illustration

Building an Integrated Mosquito Management Program (IMMP) for residential accounts is simple with the arsenal of products available from Veseris.

To ensure the successful implementation of the Veseris IMMP, it is critical to review the stewardship documentation. This provides information to understand and execute the program successfully, ensuring optimal results for you and your customers.

Step 1: Inspect, Identify & Eliminate Breeding Sources when possible

  • Tip and Toss Method (when applicable): once a week, items that hold water like tires, buckets, planters, toys, pools, birdbaths, flowerpot saucers, and trash containers should be emptied, turned over, covered, and/or thrown away.
  • Maintain proper drainage to prevent standing water: gutters full of debris, overgrown landscaping, properly functioning irrigation systems, etc.

Step 2: Treat standing water breeding sites with Natular® DT larvicide tabs

  • Place Natular® DT TABS where conducive conditions exist: ornamental fishponds, ornamental pools or fountains, unused swimming pools, bird baths, old tires, flowerpots and urns, water gardens, floor/french drains, roof gutters and other water-holding receptacles.

Step 3: Deploy MosquitoConTM

  • Place MosquitoConTM water-holding receptacle in landscape areas: Ideally on each side of the house (2-3 per quarter acre).
  • Add 96 oz of water plus one tab of Natular® DT Mosquito Larvicide.
  • MosquitoConTM receptacles can be placed as a standalone treatment. Though for optimal control, incorporate with an adulticide barrier spray.
  • If you add the adulticide barrier spray as outlined in Step 4*, please complete the spray treatment first, then place the MosquitoConTM water-holding receptacle.
MosquitoCon™ Trap and Natular® DT Larvicide TabletMosquitoCon™ Trap and Natular® DT Larvicide TabletMosquitoCon™ Trap and Natular® DT Larvicide Tablet

Step 4: Treat Remaining Areas as Appropriate*

  • ADULTICIDE BARRIER APPLICATION: Use of a residual product applied to the sides of structures and landscape vegetation using a mist blower. The intention is to apply product to the surfaces where mosquitos roost.
  • Always read and follow label directions and apply at recommended rates.
  • Recommended Adulticides: MasterLine® B MaxxPro, Cy-Kick® CS, Demand® CS, Duraflex® ZC, Fendona® CS, OneGuard,® Talstar,® Scion,® Suspend® PolyZone®

    Shop Recommended Adulticides

*Always check with local licensing authorities to ensure your applicators license covers you to apply pesticides for the control of mosquitos and all local regulations and laws to ensure you can use a particular pesticide.

MosquitoCon™ + Natular® DT LogosMosquitoCon™ + Natular® DT LogosMosquitoCon™ + Natular® DT Logos

MosquitoCon + Natular DT is the new alternative for easy mosquito control. The MosquitoCon water-holding receptacle attracts the mosquito into the receptacle and the Natular DT Larvicide combines ease of use with uncompromising efficacy to kill mosquito larvae and prevent mosquito breeding. MosquitoCon + Natular DT is an ideal part of an Integrated Mosquito Management Program to control mosquitos in any backyard or open space setting. 

MosquitoCon™ Trap and Natular® DT Larvicide TabletMosquitoCon™ Trap and Natular® DT Larvicide TabletMosquitoCon™ Trap and Natular® DT Larvicide Tablet
MosquitoCon™ TrapMosquitoCon™ TrapMosquitoCon™ Trap

Click image to view it larger

MosquitoCon™ Trap and SpecificationsMosquitoCon™ Trap and SpecificationsMosquitoCon™ Trap and Specifications

Click image to view it larger

Natular® DT Larvicide Tablet and Pack of 50Natular® DT Larvicide Tablet and Pack of 50Natular® DT Larvicide Tablet and Pack of 50

Why Natular DT?

  • Demonstrates efficacy on twenty of the most common vector and nuisance mosquito species, including Aedes, Anopheles and Culex. This makes it an excellent tool to suppress mosquito populations before they hatch while helping avoid or fight resistance.
  • Unique mode of action and novel class of chemistry for mosquito control.
  • Delivers a unique mode of action that works on all four stages of feeding mosquito larvae.
  • Natular DT provides an uncomplicated and easy storage and handling in a convenient blister pack (no temperature sensitivity).
  • Provides a complimentary addition to an Integrated Mosquito Management Program.

*Always read and follow label directions


The DT tablet’s two-layer design includes an effervescent layer that quickly releases the active ingredient spinosad, while the second layer releases slowly, providing up to 60 days of control.

Spinosad is an IRAC Group 5 insecticide with a unique mode of action, compared to all other public health larvicides.

*Always read and follow label directions

Spinosad – Where Public Health Meets Public Preference

    EPA Green Chemistry Chalenge Logo
  • Product of a naturally occurring soil bacterium, with a novel mode of action to control all four stages of mosquito larvae
  • Proven to control twenty of the most common vector and nuisance mosquito species, including Aedes, Anopheles and Culex
  • First larvicide to be reviewed under the EPA “Reduced Risk” program in 2008
  • Natular DT tablet technology awarded 2010 Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge


Veseris Integrated Mosquito Management Program FlyerVeseris Integrated Mosquito Management Program FlyerVeseris Integrated Mosquito Management Program Flyer

IMMP Flyer

Mosquitocon™ + Natular® DT BrochureMosquitocon™ + Natular® DT BrochureMosquitocon™ + Natular® DT Brochure


Natular® DT FAQNatular® DT FAQNatular® DT FAQ

Natular DT®

Natular® DT Larvicide Tablets BrochureNatular® DT Larvicide Tablets BrochureNatular® DT Larvicide Tablets Brochure

Natular® DT
Larvicide Tablets

Natular® Naturally Active Ingredient BrochureNatular® Naturally Active Ingredient BrochureNatular® Naturally Active Ingredient Brochure

Natular® Active
Ingredient Brochure


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