Pennant Magnum Turf Herbicide

  • Allows the functional portion of metolachlor, the active ingredient, to be produced more efficiently which leads to superior results at a 33% lower use rate compared to generics
  • Only herbicide that can be sprayed over-the-top of ornamental plants for nutsedge control
  • Can be used in a wide range of warm-season turf grasses, including bermuda grass, zoysia grass, Bahia grass, centipede grass, and Florida’s St. Augustine grass
  • Formulation mixes easily with water or liquid fertilizer.  It can be sprayed onto dry bulk granular fertilizers to be spread for treatment.
  • Superior weed control on warm-season turf and landscape ornamentals with 33% less product
  • Wide margin of plant safety makes it a valuable option in nurseries and landscape plantings
  • It can be used alone or tank-mixed with Barricade herbicide to enhance effectiveness and spectrum
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Pre-Emergent Weed Control for Warm-Season Turf and Ornamentals

Pennant Magnum herbicide, containing the active ingredient s-metolachlor, prevents yellow nutsedge, smooth and large crabgrass, and over 20 more turf, ornamental and landscape weeds from germinating on the golf course or in the landscape and is safe to ornamental plants.
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Sold As: 1 gal jug (for a case order 4)
Active Ingredients: Metolachlor
Product/Formulation/Device Types: Liquid Concentrate
Target Pests: Barnyard Grass, Bluegrass, Caryophyllales, Crabgrass, Foxtail, Goosegrass, Iceplant, Johnsongrass, Madder, Magnolia, Sedge, Solanales, Sunflower, Weeds
Target Sites: Airports, Cemeteries, Commercial Turf – Sod Farms, Exterior Landscaped Settings, Exterior Non-Landscaped settings, Golf Courses, Non-Food-Bearing Plants, Nurseries and Greenhouses, Outdoor Nurseries, Recreational Turf – Parks and Playgrounds
Turf, Tree & Plant Types Use Sites (Herbicides - Fungicides): Bahia, Bermuda Grass, Centipedegrass, Sod Farms, St Augustine Grass, Zoysiagrass
Manufacturer: Syngenta
Manufacturer SKU: 38782
Signal Word: Caution
Pollinator Warning: Harmful to Pollinators
Not For Sale In: AK, HI
ID: 687346
Labeled Weeds: Annual Grasses, Barnyard Grass, Blue Grass, Broadleaf Weeds, Carpetweed, Crabgrass, Doveweed, Foxtail, Galinsoga, Goosegrass, Groundsel, Nightshade, Nutsedge, Pancium, Pigweed, Purslane, Pusley, Sandbur, Sedges, Signalgrass

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